There are 3 types of Doc in Oncology. Doc 1 says,"Do not mix my treatment with TCM"; Doc 2 says, "I do not understand TCM, you may see what TCM can offer you"; Doc 3 says,"Yes, I could recommend you Dr Who, who is in TCM oncology".  Which type of experience did your surrounding love ones encounter?  I do know of a few TCM specialist in Oncology here in Singapore, who are also World renown.  However it is not ethical for me to promote them in this blog... as I was informed.

General Facts
Today although having cancer is not so common, however WHO had a statics, by 2050, people having cancer will become a serious human population issue. We need to take care of ourselves today inorder to pass on a well-maintained genetics. 

Cancer is in each cell of us.  It is just that the anti-cancer agents in our body is suppressing it from being out-break. Stimulus like smoking, abusive drinking alchol, emotional stress, over exertion, unhealthy habits...

In the case of Tumor and Cancer, most important is to ease the patient emotion and hopefully they will not dwell on the fact every constant minute and second.  Being sad whole day is not going to help but worsen it, as it is noted in TCM anicent text, at least 2000 yrs ago.  Here I share some info, as I had some training in Western pharamcology Oncology medicine, I would strongly suggest to use combination method from West and East at the same time, to tackle this issue.  Try to tune into a carefree life and complete the life journey with no regrets.  So far, cancer is not able to be cure, and it is dependent on each person immuno, all we can do is to live with it everyday and maintain health status to keep it as long inorder to complete what the patients wishes for, and leave in harmony and peace.  Namo Amitabha. 

FYI: Me making 虚痰丸 - for tumor / cancer

In Chung Hwa College, our grand-teacher receipe is passed down from our kind teacher Prof Teo. he taught us to make this particular pill for tumor cancer outside the standard TCM course and formulas, base on past Dr experiences.  This medicine is not sold in public as the demand and indregients are very difficult to acquire and expensive.  It has non-backed reports of effectiveness for lumba, liver tumor and cancer.  Although not backed by today's statics/western medical papers... it had been long dated with medical effectiveness back 2000 years and is used by experts today.  Some patients having tumor recovered completely!  This medicine formula

basis is known as 虚痰丸.

Aparantly this is a form of posion that has the similar effect of Chemo and less side effects.  This is usually not taken just on its own.  On the basic, it is often taken in combination of spleen and stomach improvement herbs.  遗毒攻毒大法,不可过猛,益伤脾气,消耗元气。

穿山甲 250g ; 全蝎 125 g
 蜈蚣60g 、班毛 30g
用法∶1日3丸         Usage: 3pills a day
功用∶消肿软坚      Effect: reduce tumor size

Other Anti-Cancer/Tumor herbs are listed below for your reference:
白花蛇舌草、半枝莲、鱼腥草、灵芝、。。。 TBUpdated...shortly....