How to cocot a Tradiational Chinese Medicine.
All the folowing medicine/soup is brew in the following steps, unless specially noted.
1. put the herbs in your claypot.
2 do not need to wash the herbs.3. add the water and soak the medical herbs for about 10 mins. the amount of water is about 2 cam above the the herbs heights.
4. use a big flame and boil the herbs for 5 mins.
5. use a small flame and brew the herb for the next 20 mins.
6. you had cocot the herbal medine. pour out the drink and drink it.
7. repeat step3 -6 again. because all herbs you can brew twice. however we chinese psyician will say the first is Yang and the second cocot is yin. if you have the patience, mix the first and second cocot together then divide into 2 drink. One serving in the morning and the second serving after dinner.
How to brew a nice Chinese herbal soup?
Usually for those tonic Chinese herbs, I like to brew it for over 10 -15hrs. however that depends on your needs and likings. The longer the brew, the medicine will be very well disintegrated and fuse together in the cocotion soup. All the dosage of the tonic soup you do not need to add any salt or sugar...etc. with a long brew, the flavour is best and original. have a happy family day.
Many people in urban city had lost their Qi. I would recommend the dosage for a weekend brew, covering every possible area I could. when your Qi force is strong, you be can radiate a pink of health.
Nourish lungs against dryness due to haze !!! 2010 Nov Singapore HAZE ALERT !!! My TCM desert recipe for health preventive measure
白果 6g 川贝 1g 陈皮 2 片 雪耳 70g 木瓜 1kg remove skin 红枣 20g 冰糖 100-150g
1. Use slow cooker, place all into it. Add 1litre of water. Brew for 3-4 hrs. 炖 3-4hrs
Desert 2 (about 5 servings)
雪蛤 15g 南杏仁 15g 北杏仁 15g 香兰叶 150g 冰糖 300g 淡奶 1can
1. Wash 雪蛤 add 300g water , with 香兰叶, steam them for 1 hr at least.
2. 南杏仁 and 北杏仁 soak in water for at least 2 hrs, use blender to powderise them.
3. remove the 南杏仁 and 北杏仁 (can throw away), use the whitish liquid only, add sugar and milk.
4. add all everything together. yummy.
清热养阴丸 Symtoms:
mouth & gum ucler, frustrating, thirsty, sore thorat, lost voice, heaty cough(yellow or thick sticky phelgm), giddy or ear ringging, shit hard dry or difficult process: 肺胃积热,火热上攻起的口舌生疮,牙龈出血,烦燥口渴,咽喉疼痛,肺热咳嗽,失音声哑,头晕耳鸣,大便秘结。 use : 清热养阴丸=养阴清热,消肿止痛。
In TCM there are many types of cough. 6 types due to usual environment causes, and various more due to internal inbalance. generally here I will write down what I use usuually for cough that are: dry, heat, cold, damp, wind.
Wind - cough badly upon lie down, night time and morning, feeling cold cough,
Cold - phelgm little, watery base, white
Heaty - maybe lite feverish, cough, phelgm yellowish, when hot /afternoon cough
Damp - lots of phelgm, sticky,
Dry - sore thorat, no phelgm, if has it is white and fluid base, not much bubble.
in this fast pace country, Singapore kids are usually over tax with homework and pressure of coping socially and academically. I think all kids should find sometime to play and exerise. I suggest this dosage of drink for them to cope with everyday and be smart. Replenish Qi and increase blood circulation. At times you know it is due to drinking of red dates and your kid had slight headache. however this drink is not heaty, it means the blood is pushing the vessel in the head to reach higher hights (in according to some old saying). You notice this red date is used in Quran, Taoism, Buddhism. Use slow cooker and brew for 4hrs. can brew twice.
红枣 37 枚, 枸杞 1 汤匙, 甘草 2 片 (to resolve the thick base which may cause phelgm) or 生姜 1片(not too much heaty)
similar context of the primary school kids, teens need memory. Many know how to use Ginko supplement. you may, but DO NOT USE too much. Here is another option, powder format add together in cup and pour hot water and mix well:
黄精粉 3g , 决明子粉 3g , (红枣 粉 3g , 麦冬 粉 1.5 g , 甘草 粉 1g ), add 川贝批杷膏 in a cup and drink.
Strengthen Tummy Qi
tummy qi weak you will have symptoms of soft stools, poor appetite, intestine having tummying sound, stomachache, tired/fatigue, limbs feeling weak.
Usually it is common to have a pale looking face, without radiatant, and the pulse on wrist is regulated but weak.
This can also be due to stress, worries, poor eating hours... very common lifestyle causing factor for a urban city dweller.
due to digestive system as in stomach and instestines heatiness, hence lost of fluid and energy. This formula may take a few (2-3) days before you see changes to the constipation issue.
My formula here is to normish the "YIN" of the digestive system, hence the system will lubricate and replenish the fluid in the instestine and stomach.
I suggest should children have mild issue of constipation to use this for a week. once symptoms is resolve, take one more day dosage, then stop using .
1 day 2 times.
the medicine on the left can be brew twice.
this is for heaty digestive system.
for much serious cases, you can consider to multiply the dosage by 2.
1 day 2 times.
the medicine on the left can be brew twice.
FOOT and MOUTH Diease
A couple of collegueas' and friends' encounter this infections diease on their children.
This formula had been long use by Chinese in 2000A.D. Apparantly using this for 3 days, the symtoms and suffering reduce towards recovery.
This is to enhance the immune system and clear up the heatiness and toxic level in out body by using anti-baterica and anti-virus.
Remember check on your kiddo for symtoms of serverity on the location. Thorat, hands and legs. I suggest to use warm water 50% and 50% Alchol(70%) or warm white rice wine/sake on a towel to rub the arms and legs for the pores to open circulate and cleansing.
Bruise (Blue-black) Sprain
the following is meant for external use. do not consume. Fracture On-Site Working injury is unavoidable at times. those who think they might be injury, this is my formula.
The box up ingredients are more towards pain management. the healing effects are the TCM herbs.
a more formitable mosituring cream, uses an enhancement of the basic formula, mositurises when apply for 15-30mins. Non greasely after 30 mins, leaving a Chinese herbal scent. Buy it from WAKI Enterprise.:RUBAWAY BRUISE
Norishment Herbal Soup
My recommendation for those who had surgey or is recovering from illness,being weak and fatigue, recovery stage in hospital... This will gently nourish blood, replenish internal energy "Qi" in your organs, and base essence of life "YIN".
Uses this often will nourish the hair and improve spleen and digestive system. you feel you have better quality of energy (less fatigue) and no more backache. most beautiful part, you see that your face become much flush and glows.
Be a beautiful and handsome kind person, enjoy with your family :)
My Favourite Soup
After much brewing and fooling around with receipes and medical books, I am proud to share with everyone here my favourite taste bud soup. I used my grand teacher formula and my teacher formula as base added with my mum, family and relatives feedback and suggestions, this is the soup I like best on a mental exhaustive day and you can feel lots of love and hugs from your love one talking about soup :)
+/- about SGD8-10 from the medical hall
10 Functional Great Norishment Soup
This is great for qi and blood deficiency, face yellowish, fatigue and poor appetite, head giddy and eyes dizzy, mental exhuastion, breathless, heart beat fast, perspire lots and during sleep also perspire, limbs cold, tougue pale, pulse weak and small.
good for female having heavy menstruation, menstrution irrelguar, or injury does not heal.
13 Tai Bao
For pregant mummy to be. However use it once between 3-5 days upon pregant. once after 4 month of pregancy, it is generally safe to use it.
NOTE: remember for pregant/pregancy, it is always safe to be diagonse by a license and experience TCM doctor then to use hearsay. Too many advices from many folks isn't helping and makes both the parent to be stress. remember always keep a happy go lucky mood, then the baby is safe and cheerful :)
Shit Blood- heaty
My advice is to do check up-scope.
This formula meant to resolve "Shit with Blood". Doesn't matter if the blood is fresh or dark red colour, at the beginning or the end of the shit, it should help.
Note the 2nd ingredient is not allowed in Singapore. you can replace that herb with others anti-bateria and cooling heat effects herbs.
I also advice such person should have water melon (1/2 a day) for tough audlt, papaya (1 a day) for weak adult.
you can email me if you are interested to find out the replacement of the 2nd herb.
Contact Me
Heart Strengthening Formula
For those who has heart aliments - likely going for heart bypass in future or already being recommended by surgeon to do heart bypass, due to 1-2 small blockages of blood cloting and high cholerstrol.
This will strengthen the heart function, reduce
cholesterol and in time to come you will notice that the dark pigments on skin will lighten, due to the improve blood flow. Hence your face will look flashed and glow.
Note: do a heart check up. Danger if heart hurts and left arm is weak, dizzy fatigue - go hospital within 30 mins.
CHICKEN POX or High Fever is contiguous. no antibotics is meant for this purpose. its your immune system to fight. hence I suggest boosting your immune system with TCM theory and medicine.
The water bubble can start from centre of body to limbs and head or reverse.
Most importantly is high fever and red rash and/or water retention bubble surface on skin. Spliting headache, cough and panting, maybe thirsty, nausea, vomit, diarreheo. check the tougue (red/dark red) pulses usually fast in the beginning.
Stage 1, is the initial start of this virus. pulse weak but fast
Stage 2, in 2-3 days, maybe it got full blown
Danger stage, Serious stage, very high fever, pulse fast and strong use "Danger stage". Best see a TCM doctor.
Upon recovery (just skin pigment and clear some heat) use recovery.
REFRAIN form red meat, durian, oily and spicy food.
SUGGEST: have more congee, vegetables and fruits eg watermelon, papaya (not suitable if diarrehea), apples kiwi orange (not suitable if cough). brew wintermelon, bitter gourd, gourd, xi yang cai soup.
For those who has pimples, uneven facial skin, actually you need to verify if your skin is yin or yang, moist, dry, cappy... however I must say, it is the internal organ that has provided the signals and outcome on face. It is the forte of TCM doctor.
Here a precription which you can perform at home. remember to powderise the herbs and keep in clean and very dry place, else after 1-2 weeks you may see unwanted growth. I suggest to put in refrigerator, use and keep it asap, prevernt condensation moist trap in your plastic container.
you can use mint or peppermint in the solution.
enjoy your weekend facial DIY mask!
enjoy your weekend facial DIY mask!
YANG in Perilous Condition
I do hope you need not use this formula. Usually when a person is dying, bedridden, symptoms of the yang energy is gone, perspire all over the body, breathing difficulties, likely to be groggy or unconscious’s, can't shit or pee, you know in the heart, your love one's time may be up. This hopefully can replenish the yang and hope. Hopefully, with this, the patient can buy some time, recuperate or ... Anyway no doctors can guarantee anything at this time. I regret I had not know this formula earlier, else I could have save my grandma... but even so, do you have the courage to use? Will the doctors in-charge allow you? even if you drag for sometime, is this suffering possible progress with more treatment? Maybe to be in peace with oneself is what your patient wants? I am not bearing the risk for your actions. It is your choice, an option I like to share.